The project description
20 January 2020

Using Human Centred design processes, formative assessments, and desk reviews, CBCC has been able to identify barriers and facilitators to adoption of improved groundnut and sorghum seed varieties by rural farmers in Tanzania, as well as youth and gender dynamics in agribusiness. Some of the key findings include limited access of farmers to improved seeds and communications on the seeds’ attributes, farmers inability to get market for their produce. There are also weak links between various actors in the sorghum and groundnuts value chain thus stifling demand for improved seeds in Tanzania, as farmers can’t find markets for their produce, whilst off takers are struggling to get enough quality produce. Youth and young mothers’ involvement in sorghum and groundnut value chain is also limited, with the majority only in farming due to a lack of capital and limited knowledge on other opportunities available in the seed systems/value chains. Many young people also consider farming to be unattractive due to the traditional focus on manual labour and low mechanization as well as low profits for the farmers. Low knowledge of Good Agronomic Practices (GAPs) and lack of extension services by farmers are other significant barriers to contend with by the project.
The ‘Kizazi cha mabadiliko’ meaning ‘the generation of change’ campaign is seeking to enhance use of quality seed of improved varieties (sorghum and groundnut) from TARI/private seed companies by farmers. The campaign is actively promoting the increased participation and engagement of male and female youth in the sorghum and groundnut value chains, as well as the adoption of labour-saving technologies amongst other strategies. As part of the suite of SBC interventions, a customised radio magazine show was run on selected radio stations and featured interviews with agribusiness experts on opportunities in the value chains of sorghum and groundnuts. A jingle by renowned Tanzanian entertainer and entrepreneur Masanja Mkandamizaji was also developed and aired in addition to radio spots addressing various issues.