The project description
2020 – 2024

UNICEF is supporting the Government of Kenya to bring and retain more children in school, with a focus on 16 priority counties (Baringo, Bungoma, Garissa, Isiolo, Kajiado, Kilifi, Kwale, Mandera, Marsabit, Narok, Samburu, Tana River, Turkana, Wajir and West Pokot, as well as Nairobi informal settlements) that cumulatively account for 90% of Out of School children in Kenya. A baseline survey by the Kenyan Government, UNICEF, and the National Council for Nomadic Education in Kenya (Naconek) found that child marriages, teenage pregnancies and child labour were leading causes of children not attending school.
The ‘Come Twende shule campaign’ is seeking to benefit children who have access to school but aren’t enrolled, or who have enrolled in school but don’t attend or have dropped out of the education system, as well as those who have disabilities, amongst other factors. In addition to informing communities on their roles and rights as parents, pupils, legislators when it comes to education, the campaign is also seeking to motivate parents and children to enroll and stay in school by discussing on key benefits of schooling in the present and future wellbeing of the child and family. On air discussions also help communities come up with solutions to the perennials challenges they have enrolling and keeping their children in school, as well shifting harmful social norms that impact schooling in the schooling such as early marriages and child labour.
The Come ‘Twende Shule’ Campaign is enhancing children’s voices by prioritizing their comments and inputs on education and key issues through regular vox pops, children programming and hosts. Special effort is being made to reach the most vulnerable children-those with disabilities/girls/child workers etc. so that their voices and aspirations can also be heard widely and acted upon.
The campaign is being run on the DigiRedio platform with 24 radio stations serving the priority counties, the overall goal of the campaign is to bring to school 250,000 children (50% girls, 50% boys and 5% children with disabilities) by 2024.