The project description
2021 – 2023

The USAID Advancing Nutrition project is a two-year project (2021 -2023) that aims to improve the health and nutrition among women and children in Navakholo sub- County in Kakamega County, with a focus on the 1000-day period from pregnancy to a child’s second birthday. The priority is improving uptake of high impact nutrition behaviours and practices through innovative Social and behaviour Change (SBC) approaches and technologies, capacity Building on SBC and supporting coordination of County and Sub County Nutrition Technical Forums. Five priority behaviours (Antenatal Clinic or ANC attendance, hospital delivery using skilled birth attendants, starting to breastfeed within 1 hour of giving birth, exclusive breastfeeding for 6 the first six months and complementary feeding between 6-23 months) are being addressed by the project. SBC formative research showed significant barriers such as fear of attending ANC before the pregnancy started showing, cultural practices related to initiation of breastfeeding, pre-lacteal feeding, food taboos and low male involvement amongst others.
Grandmothers emerged as strong influencers of mothers and their spouses when it comes to child upbringing. Therefore, a character ‘kukhu Omukosi’ (cool grandmother) was created to champion for optimal caregiving practices in the community by addressing the barriers faced by mothers and children regarding ANC, breastfeeding, and complementary feeding. ‘Kukhu Omukosi’ campaign was aired in conjunction with Radio Isikuti, a community radio station in Kakamega. The campaign entailed both on air, online and on ground components resulting to the conversion of over 200 Mother to Mother support groups to listener groups.