Vox Radio Tana River DigiRedio 23 May 2023

Vox Radio Tana River

Tana River-Community Radio Wins trust from the people. Vox Radio broadcasts in Tan River County, the station began primarily as a means of building peace during the 2017 elections. The station is run and operated by Amani Centre CBO.

According to Filikita Jillo, the station manager Vox Radio has been responding to different emergencies in Tana River including drought, flood and countering misinformation.

The station airs Makala Ya Tumaini every Thursday between 7-10 PM, according to Joseph Nzomo the presenter of Makala Ya Tumaini Show, the program has enabled dialogue between the community and duty bearers, he says that through the show they have been able to gain trust from their communities as a secure channel for reporting complains and giving feedback.

“Whenever there is a problem in the community, like drought or flood, members of the community call us to report, we then escalate the issues to the chief or the aid organizations who respond quickly thus averting more crisis”


A s a trusted community voice several organizations such as Red Cross, have partnered with them to assist in responding to various emergencies by providing a platform to communicate available responses and information on the emergencies.

“Whenever there is a problem in the community, like drought or flood, members of the community call us to report, we then escalate the issues to the chief or the aid organizations who respond quickly thus averting more crisis”, He adds.

For Vox radio due to the trust, they have gained from the community, they have been actively engaged in response actions to caution their community from the pangs of hunger. The radio station does not just intervene on air but are also physically present on ground. They cover community voices through vox pops and on ground activities such as attending and broadcasting public participation forums as a means of bolstering efforts to accountability in Tana River County.

The station has equally set up a complaint handling mechanism, where community members can share their complaints and feedback. The community is made aware of the mechanisms through consistent rounds of public service announcements.

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