A Social and Behaviour Change platform
END DROUGHT DigiRedio 29 May 2023
Nasrah Said Mohammed - Radio Rahma

According to President William Ruto, approximately 3.5M Kenyans have been affected by the drought from twenty-three counties in the country. This number led the government and various organizations to come together to help the victims all over the country including Kwale county. “We are here to distribute food, 50 trucks carrying 20k sacks of rice and 20k sacks of beans and animal feed as well as cooking oil which will go to different places affected by drought in this country because we all know 3M Kenyans have been affected by the drought.

Hoza Khamisi Jefwa Makamini in Kwale County explains in detail how pregnant women and children have been affected by the ongoing drought in the area. “The effects of the drought have not ended here, some children have ended up interrupting their studies while others end up carrying early pregnancies.  Children get malnourished due to lack of food, and most of the time, they have one type of meal that they eat even from January to December. Pregnant mothers are also facing food challenges due to poverty in the area.”

The issue of climate change has lagged so many things behind including, farming and other businesses, not only in Kwale County but also in the entire country.

Nasrah Said Mohammed

Looking at the children you can tell their bodies are lacking all types of bodybuilding supplements and a conversation with one of them justified that they drink dirty water, and get food once a day while their parents end up doing hard work so that at the end of the day they can get something to help their families.

The issue of climate change has lagged so many things behind including, farming and other businesses, not only in Kwale County but also in the entire country. Hesbon Odhiambo, speaking of ways to help ourselves with the drought disaster, says that there should be mechanisms to determine when the rains are yet to fall which will help us in harvesting and keeping water, and by looking at the places that may have drought, then harvesting water is very important, therefore experts from the Kenya Metrological Department can provide training in our villages and show people on how to make water pans.

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