DigiRedio is a Social and Behaviour Change platform that facilitates dialogue between multi-sectoral players and the public to educate, amplify community voices, catalyse action, create social accountability, and enhance participation at all levels for sustainable development primarily through a network of radios, social groups and online.

DigiRedio implements a harmonized radio magazine known as Makala ya Tumaini that runs weekly in over 50 vernacular, faith based and community radio stations, transmitting in 25 languages across the 47 Counties of Kenya.
DigiRedio employs the 7C’s community led data driven approach to anchor its interventions. There are - Capacity strengthening, Contextualised conversations, Community voices, Community solutions, Community trusted persons, Collaboration and Computations.
The DigiRedio programming is structured around social change, by providing vulnerable communities with information they need to make informed choices, enhancing their participation in all matters that affect them and stimulating duty bearers to be accountable by integrating the stated needs of the communities in their service delivery. DigiRedio thus provides a perfect mechanism for accountability to affected populations (AAP).

Why we focus on our audiences
Their special needs require contextualized programming consistently over time that may not be met by commercial stations.
For some of them their numbers are not big enough to make them viable for a contextualized commercial stations programming.
As a consequence, they tend to have worse indicators in health, education, and other development areas.
Who we serve
We serve diverse audiences who include children, adolescents, youth , women, men, the elderly and People Living With Disabilities. We specialize in serving the ‘furthest behind first’ who tend to frequently face challenges due to marginalization, illiteracy, language barriers, who live in underserved areas, from lower socio-economic statuses, with gender imbalances, antagonistic strong cultural and social norms.
They are further categorized into those that are:

Why we work with community radio
- Affinity – they find radio an affordable, accessible, authentic and reliable source of information and entertainment.
- Context - The localized nature of programming provides them with the much-needed context in consuming content.
- Viability - Radio provides a cost effective and safe mechanism for communities to raise awareness and seek feedback from duty bearers.